Cortex Innovation Community

I remember while working at Conrad Properties (Circa 2007-2010) helping on site acquisitions in the Cortex Innovation Community and dreaming what the area could be. We had just entered the recession of 2008 and I became a believer that Cortex Innovation Community's potential impact to the Saint Louis region. This area, along with everything surrounding it, was mostly industrial or manufacturing buildings.

Throughout the last 15 years, I have been lucky enough to be part of Mid-Town's growth and be part of the majority of the projects. This includes not only Cortex Innovation Community, but the City Foundry STL successful lease-up and delivery. On top of this we have seen the growth of Saint Louis University's 353 district and the recent opening of the Armory STL.

All of this demonstrates what continued investment, density, and leadership can do to transform an area and give the Saint Louis region a unique identity. So, let's fast forward to today..........

The most recent development I am a part of is a culmination of everything I mention above. TCARE, Inc.'s new 27,000 sq. ft. HQ office along Vandeventer Avenue. will be a Class A building that will be delivered later this year. This shows again how a seed planted 15 + years ago can continue to grow into a tree with multiple branches.

So, my advice to anyone that reads this. Play the long game when it comes to improving areas and have a plan. Stick to that plan, show grit, and get creative.

If the Cortex Innovation Community would not have been born, there is a limited chance TCARE, Inc.'s rendering and today's construction photos would never have been possible.

Food for thought.



Snarf's Sandwiches COMING SOON!


Road Trip Development